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The facts on the Golden Hawk

The Golden Hawk is a factory sticker option.  The VIN number will only list the trim options, but not the Golden Hawk sticker package.  The only difference was the application of the decal kit. This decal kit was a special order only availbale on the Cj and Cherokee in 1980. 
In the High Resolution link, there is a dealers price list  with the model and options listed. 
I have located many sources for Cj info and even for the very popular Golden Eagle edition.  Most old time Jeep guys have only heard of the Golden Hawk, and some dismiss it.  The cover page art is not my jeep.  That is on the other pages here, but the cover art was of a jeep in Italy...   I have found the Golden Hawk in Italy, Norway, Liechtenstein, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico and through out the USA
I hope you have found this page, as I am asking for your help...

Share your story, literature and pictures.  I'll add it to the site to share with others. If you have a Golden Hawk for sale, have literature, or something you think I would be interested in email me as I am interested.
You can go to my forum Golden Hawk Jeep, or email me at Info@goldenhawkjeep.com and I look forward to hearing from you...

Enjoy the rest of the site, info and links!!
This page was formed out of necessity...

If you have found this you may need the info as well.  I am the 4th owner of my CJ7 Golden Hawk and am working on a factory frame off restoration.  Now I want to hear your story...

Give me all of the details however small, and we will work to amass a comprenshive history...
Jeeps, parts, cool stuff
Page last updated
on 7/28/2013
Page debuted
on 11/07/2006
Golden Hawk Forum

The Jeep Ring

The Jeep Webring This Jeep Ring site is owned by 
Golden Hawk Jeep
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This entire page made without html knowledge,  just open, click and publish.  Awesome features...

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I will buy stock interiors (seats, dashs, carpet, trim, accessories,) tops (hard and soft,) doors (hard and soft,) and am interested in any Golden Hawk Jeeps.
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Updated: 7-28-13

After the webpage being up several years I have had about 10 inquiries for decals.  I was able to source a few sets, but they are not 100% true to the origianl and I decided not to offer them. Please still email for decal requests.  If I can get enough requests there are a few companies who can get the work done.

I have had contact from people from many countries and have lots of stories of jeeps and owners.  I may look at getting some of them posted up here.  Keep the stories and pictures coming!!